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Coaching provides aspiring and experienced executives with a supportive, safe, and confidential space where they bring their whole selves and transform their leadership practice. Just as athletes or artists benefit from personal training, individual coaching elevates leadership development.

The Coaching Process

Each coaching engagement includes 12 one-hour sessions that guide clients through the Action Inquiry Coaching Process, an effective, evidence-based coaching practice developed at the University of Georgia. At each stage of the process, the coach and client co-create purpose and plans for growth.

  1. Initiate: get to know each other and agree on expectations.

  2. Assess: gather data to understand the client and their work.

  3. Analyze: identify key drivers, values, strengths, and weaknesses.

  4. Aspire: design improvement plans and learn new tools and growth strategies.

  5. Act: implement improvement plans and practice new behaviors.

  6. Account for Results: stay on track with accountability and support.

Forest Trees

The C-Suite

While every leadership journey is unique, the C-suite includes critical leadership competencies for individuals and teams to focus their development and growth. 

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